
Contact Us

Lynn Spivey
Director of Transportation
(623) 253-5182

Important Information to Parents

Student Transportation

The safe transport of children is our top priority. Please remind your child it is vital that they follow these rules to and from school so all students can enjoy the ride.

  • Follow the bus driver’s directions the first time they are given.
  • Stay seated while the bus is in motion.
  • Keep all body parts and objects in the bus.
  • Keep the isles clear.
  • Talk in a quiet, conversational tone. Do not use loud or vulgar language.
  • Treat passengers and drivers respectfully.
  • Please do not push, shove, spit or fight.
  • Do not bring food, drink, animals, glass, skateboards, or large objects on the bus.
  • You must have written permission to exit the bus at a stop other than your own.

Call the Dispatch Office when there is a special circumstance that affects your student's bus ridership

We assume no responsibility for lost items. Every effort is made to return lost items to their rightful owner.

Students will receive an immediate suspension of their bus-riding privileges for a minimum of one week for the following offenses:

  • Refusal to obey the driver
  • Failure to give the correct name when asked
  • Property damage to the bus, bus stop, or other student possessions
  • Physical harm or threat to another student or bus driver